Common zapper devices only render a variable or constant output voltage, where there is no constant current flowing through the body, because current depends on skin resistance, which, in return, alternates due to internal and external influences (diagram 1, Hautwiderstand = resistance, Zeit = time).
Therefore there is no consistent maintanance of the user set current. The miniZAP® keeps current constant, during each application, independend of skin resistance. Diagram 2 (Stromstärke = current, Zeit = time) shows the comparison of the current curve between miniZAP® (blue) and zappers without constant current control (red).
miniZAP® (blue): The level of current stays constant during the complete application. This not only guarantees the highest possible effect, but also a 100 % reproducibility and reliability.
Without CCC (red): The current undergoes strong alterations, which doesn’t assure constant efficiency of the application. Furthermore, the current can increase to such a high level, that skin burns may happen. The human skin is not a precise current measurement instrument, therefore the current sensation on your skin does not tell you, when the current has reached a skin burning level. At a constant current control, the current never exceeds the set level. Skin burns can only occur, when the user sets the current too high. Therefore, you are advised to learn how much current your skin can withstand without getting blisters. From that point on, the miniZAP blood electrification is safe.
Note: At a continuous current of 400 µA and a 3V battery with 235 mAh, the miniZAP® lasts longer than a conventional Beck zapper with a 9V block (400 mAh).This is because conventional zapper circuits consume the larger part of the curent internally (heat production), instead of leading it through the body.
The miniZAP® SMD layer with meanwhile far over 100 parts and RISC-µ-processor achieves in comparison with all known Zapper devices the highest integration.